Quirkos Quirkos qualitative data examples – home page

Directory Contents

A series of open-source and open-access data sources and example for practicing and learning qualitative analysis.

Breakfast is a simple project for first learners, on preferences for eating breakfast.

Smartphone is a short project about smartphone addictiton in the family.

Qual is a real project interviewing experienced qualitative researchers.

Referendum is a real research project on the 2015 Scottish Referendum for Independence.

Filename Type Size Date Modified
breakfast <Directory> <Directory> Jun 6 2024 5:36 PM
index.php PHP Script 6.3 KB Jun 5 2024 1:24 PM
index.php.save SAVE File 6.2 KB Jul 5 2021 10:17 AM
qual <Directory> <Directory> Jun 6 2024 5:36 PM
referendum <Directory> <Directory> Jun 6 2024 5:39 PM
smartphone <Directory> <Directory> Jun 6 2024 5:39 PM
Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.