Learn qualitative data analysis software | Quirkos
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Learn Quirkos

Tutorials, guides and manuals

Quirkos Web

15 minute tutorial

Watch a brief 15 minute video for an overview of the Quirkos Web.


Follow step-by-step instructions on your first Web project using the 6 basic steps.

Quick guide

Read the Web Quick Guide, for detail of the layout and main features in Quirkos Web.

Quirkos Desktop Client Guides

In a hurry?

5 minute tutorial

Watch a brief 5 minute video for an overview of the main features.

Quick guides

Follow step-by-step instructions on your first project using the 6 basic steps.

Download the trial

Read about the main features on our features page, and download a free trial to learn as you go.

Got more time?

20 minute tutorial

Watch a 20 minute video on creating your first project in Quirkos.

Getting started guide

Read the getting started guide for a tutorial on your first project.

Detailed materials

1 hour full workshop

An detailed walkthrough of all the functions in Quirkos, from start to finish of your qualitative project.

Full Manual

Download the Full Quirkos Manual, providing detailed guidance, and functionality of each feature.

Example projects

Get real qualitative research data to practice on, with transcripts and coded files. Or use your own data!

5 minute overview

A quick five minute summary of the main features of Quirkos.

20 minute overview

A more detailed introduction to the main operations in Quirkos.

1 hour workshop

A 1 hour workshop, showing everything in Quirkos at a more relaxed pace!

You can see more of our videos on our YouTube channel.

Further Help and Support

You can also learn how to use Quirkos at one of our regular on-line and in-person workshops, or from our network of verified qualitative trainers across the world.

Our list of Frequently Asked Questions might also answer some of your burning queries, or you can email support@quirkos.com

We also have an extensive number of articles on general qualitative research issues on our blog.

Powerpoint presentation slides

Looking to teach Quirkos in a lab or classroom session? We made sample teaching slides which you can to customise to give an overview of qualitative analysis with Quirkos.

All our support materials are distributed under a Creative Commons Licence, to allow their modification and use for commercial or non-commercial use.

But we also believe the best way to learn is by doing. So download the free trial and see for yourself how easy Quirkos is to learn, or e-mail support@quirkos.com if you have any questions.

Try today!

Ready to give Quirkos a try? Download a free trial today!